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Words from the Wise - Paul Luckraft

Words from the Wise - Paul Luckraft

SKU: 9781915046987
  • In the letter of James in the New Testament, we read: 'If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you' (James 1:5). What a remarkable offer! The free gift of wisdom to anyone, simply by asking! But what is this wisdom, and is it really that readily available? Here we explore the theme of biblical wisdom as a whole and put this statement from James into the wider context of the Old Testament wisdom literature and Paul's declaration of Christ as the Wisdom of God. Our world prides itself on human cleverness and intellectual achievement. But are we missing out on the greater wisdom from above? Attaining wisdom from the Only Wise God and Creator of all things should be a priority. Surely, here is an offer none of us can afford to refuse."

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