Format: Paperback
Size: 216mm x 140mm
Pages: 236
Release Date: August 2019
Price: £12.99
ISBN: 9781912863181
Many church leaders believe that the most effective way to fruitful kingdom ministry is by growing a large church, but what if this big church dream is actually inhibiting us from seeing the quantity and quality of impact that we long for? Over the last twenty-five years of ministry in Manchester, England, Colin Baron has been pioneering a different approach; planting smaller, inter-connected congregations throughout the city that operate together as one church. Strong enough together for each to survive and thrive, and yet small and dispersed enough to reach out to the region in a way that growing one big church would never be able to do. Multiplanting describes the journey Colin, and his team at Christ Church Manchester, have been on to fulfil a vision of multiplying church congregations across one region of northern England.
Colin Baron is a church planter with a gift for identifying and developing young leaders. He is the senior leader of Christ Church Manchester England. Colin also travels widely to help senior leaders in a variety of settings develop and implement strategy for growth.
‘We need many more new churches and community based ’sites’ to be planted to reach this nation and other nations with the gospel. I therefore enthusiastically commend Multiplanting to you.’
David Devenish, Team Leader, Newfrontiers Together Team
‘Colin’s unique blend of visionary yet practical approach, his ability to raise up leaders, his wisdom to fix broken or stuck people or situations and the way he lays out the path through to where we need to go I know will profoundly impact you as you read this book.’
Simon Holley, Senior Leader, King’s Arms Church & Catalyst Team Leader