Does the place you work matter to God? Is full-time ministry just for those who work for the church? Karen Kircher argues that many of us are positioned in full-time ministry without realising it because that ministry occurs outside the church.
In any given situation every person has an opportunity, however small, to demonstrate leadership. Kingdom-style leaders transform culture, bringing alive the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’.

Karen Kircher has 30 years’ business experience working as a leadership and organisational development coach. She carries a passion to ‘change the face of leadership’ to one that reflects Jesus’ leadership and the culture of God’s Kingdom. Karen is married to Mark and they have three children.
‘Karen is a phenomenal woman who serves and leads in her family, church and business in an incredible way. Her passion for Jesus worked out so much in the marketplace is marvellous to watch. I’ve seen Karen develop first hand, growing in her spiritual and leadership gifts and putting them in to practice both in her church family but also, perhaps more excitingly to me, in the marketplace. I’ve loved hearing the stories, which she regularly brings back to encourage us all, of God at work in the workplace and how with courage and wisdom we can all change the world wherever we serve. These pages are rich with truth and encouragement and contain both foundational teaching on living our calling but also practical steps to help to activate and make it a reality. I hope you are as blessed and encouraged as I was to read these pages and hear from this remarkable woman.’
Simon Holley, Lead Elder at King’s Arms Church, Bedford and author of Sustainable Power: Creating a Healthy Culture of the Supernatural in the Church Today
‘This book is an absolute gem that for me stands out because of its basic foundational premise. I believe it will be liberating and empowering to all who read it with an open mind.’
Terry Diggines, Consultant with A Call to Business
‘In the post-Christendom world the influence of the Christian in weekday activity is crucial and infinitely more effective than an hour or so in church on a Sunday. I commend this book to seekers in the place of leadership at work.’
Professor Clive Morton OBE PhD CCIPD Ceng, Professor at Middlesex University Business School, and author ofBecoming World Class and By the Skin of Our Teeth
‘This is an inspiring and imagination-expanding book, with heart-warming and life-changing implications for Christian impact in daily life. Karen’s deep grasp of our sonship/daughterhood in Christ, her appreciation of the implications of living in his kingdom, attentive trust, testimonies of his action and presence, all combine to open up new vistas for our daily discipleship and mission in God’s world.’
Mark Greene, Executive Director of The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, and author of many books, including Thank God it’s Monday and Fruitfulness on the Frontline